Photos: Alexander Schlosser
the object has two sides and shows
different structures on both.
150 × 140 cm
Wool, polyester, Trevira CS,
Woven in Switzerland
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the object has two sides and shows different structures on both.
150 × 140 cm
Wool, paper yarn, Trevira CS
Woven in Switzerland
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the object has two sides and shows different structures on both.
150 × 140 cm
Wool, paper raphia, Trevira CS
Woven in Switzerland
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the object has two sides and shows different structures on both.
150 × 140 cm
Wool, paper yarn, Trevira CS
Woven in Switzerland
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the sculpture has two sides and shows different structures on both.
150 × 140 cm
Wool, paper yarn, Trevira CS
Woven in Switzerland
Email for price info →
© Marie Schumann